This Application is an effort by students of "GTU" itself, we provide you the platform where you can spend your time for preparing and not 'preparing for preparing' with the study materials and question papers given in this app. Best luck for your last night preparations. :)
Want to know more ? Check this out.
Question Papers & Materials are available for below branches
1. Information Technology (IT)
2. Computer Engineering (CE)
3. Mechanical Engineering (ME)
4. Civil Engineering (CIE)
5. Electrical Engineering (EE)
6. Electronics and Communications Engineering (EC/ECE)
7. Automobile Engineering (AUTO)
Content for other branches is coming soon.
Gujarat Technological University a.k.a "GTU", is a statewide institution affiliating 137 engineering colleges and various other courses. In this app we provide material and question papers for Semesters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of summer and winter exams.
Subjects Which is included are :
Basic Electronics (BE)
Communication Skills (CS)
Computer Programming and Utilization (CPU)
Elements of Civil Engineering (ECE)
Elements of Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Elements of Mechanical Engineering (EME)
Environmental Studies (ES)
Engineering Graphics (EG)
Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra (VCLA)
Contributor Personality Development (CPD)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (AEM)
Data Structures (DS)
Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Digital Electronics (DE)
Engineering Economics and Management (EEM)
Computer Networks (CN)
Computer Organization (CO)
Numerical and Statistical Methods (NSM)
Object Oriented Programming With C++ (OOPC)
Operating Systems (OS)
Analysis and Design of Algorithms (ADA)
Computer Graphics (CG)
Disaster Management (DM)
Object Oriented Programming using JAVA (OOPJ)
System Programming (SP)
Advanced Java (AJAVA)
Data Compression and Data Retrieval (DCDR)
Distributed Operating System (DOS)
Embedded and VLSI Design (VLSI)
Image Processing (IP)
Net Technology (.NET)
Software Engineering (SE)
Web Technology (WT)
Big Data Analytics (BAD)
Data Mining and Business Intelligence (DMBI)
Distributed DBMS (DDAS)
Information and Network Security (INS)
Mobile Computing and Wireless Communication (MCWC)
Service Oriented Computing (SOC)
Android Programming (ANDROID)
Artificial Intelligence
Web Data Management (WDM)
iOS Programming
Engineering Thermodynamics (ET)
Kinematics of Machines (KM)
Manufacturing Processes (MP)
Material Science and Metallurgy (MSM)
Mechanics of Solids (MOS)
Complex Variables and Numerical Methods (CVNM)
Fluid Mechanics (FM)
Machine Design and Industrial Drafting (MDID)
Mechanical Measurement and Metrology (MMM)
Control Engineering (CE)
Design of Machine Elements (DME)
Fluid Power Engineering (FPE)
Heat Transfer (HT)
Theory of Machines (TOM)
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Dynamics of Machinery (DOM)
Industrial Engineering (IE)
Internal Combustion Engines (ICE)
Production Technology (PT)
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
and many more from all the branches.
Have a happy study :)
Keywords: Gtu, Gtu study, Gtu study material, Gtu material, Gtu books, Gtu papers, Gtu material, Gtu question paper, Gtu solution, gtu, gtu exam papers.